Sunday, September 30, 2012

20 Things I Love About Fall

  1. cool crisp mornings
  2. beautiful changing leaves
  3. looking for the perfect pansies to plant
  4. able to work in garden without melting down
  5. planting mums
  6. putting up summer clothes
  7. wearing fall colors
  8. riding down the highway and seeing the trees' myriad of color
  9. choosing the most interesting pumpkin(s)
  10. it's getting closer to Christmas
  11. feeling better because of the weather change
  12. fall housecleaning I didn't feel like doing all summer
  13. bringing houseplants back inside and replacing them with bouquets of fall branches
  14. signs the earth is getting ready to snooze for the winter
  15. reminder that it's time to get out Christmas lights for the yard
  16. buying those early Christmas gifts
  17. pulling out those cozy slippers for the cool evenings and mornings
  18. bidding farewell to our hummingbirds as they fly further south for winter
  19. cleaning up birdhouses for next spring
  20. changing the backporch with fall tablecloth and throws draped on chairs to continue visits out there


1 comment:

  1. Hi Barbara,,, The bins on the wall that hold all my flowers I actually got from a retail store that was throwing them away. They are available on the web - if you search "Tip out bins" you will fins quite a few places that sell them. I love mine!! They are super handy and hold so much stuff!!!
